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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 33, Issue 3, pp. 509-750

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On the Uniqueness of the Continuation for a Thermoelasticity System

Victor Isakov

pp. 509-522

Asymptotic Profiles of Nonstationary Incompressible Navier--Stokes Flows in the Whole Space

Yoshiko Fujigaki and Tetsuro Miyakawa

pp. 523-544

On Fully Nonlinear PDEs Derived from Variational Problems of Lp Norms

Toshihiro Ishibashi and Shigeaki Koike

pp. 545-569

A Mathematical Model of the Spread of Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) Through a Highly Heterogeneous Spatial Domain

W. E. Fitzgibbon, M. Langlais, and J. J. Morgan

pp. 570-588

The Nishiura--Ohnishi Free Boundary Problem in the 1D Case

Paul C. Fife and Danielle Hilhorst

pp. 589-606

Diffusive N-Waves and Metastability in the Burgers Equation

Yong Jung Kim and Athanasios E. Tzavaras

pp. 607-633

Are Natural Images of Bounded Variation?

Yann Gousseau and Jean-Michel Morel

pp. 634-648

Global Well-Posedness for Schrödinger Equations with Derivative

J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. Takaoka, and T. Tao

pp. 649-669

New Stability Estimates for the Inverse Acoustic Inhomogeneous Medium Problem and Applications

Peter Hähner and Thorsten Hohage

pp. 670-685

Inequalities of Duffin--Schaeffer Type

Geno Nikolov

pp. 686-698

On the Equivalence of Viscosity Solutions and Weak Solutions for a Quasi-Linear Equation

Petri Juutinen, Peter Lindqvist, and Juan J. Manfredi

pp. 699-717

The Local Behavior of the Solution of the Radiosity Equation at the Vertices of Polyhedral Domains in $\rz^3$

Olaf Hansen

pp. 718-750